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With Actionable Intelligence as a tag line, SoWhatCommunications wants to help its clients to not only know what is going on, but also supports them in having their voices heard when important policies are being drafted, which could impact their business or even threaten their license to operate.

SoWhatCommunications was founded by Olivier Hinnekens, a former partner at Interel (now Dentons) and until March 2023 Co-Managing Director of the KekstCNC Brussels practice, Kristof Doms, former Vice-President EU Affairs at Philip Morris International and Stefanie Pollet, former External Affairs Manager EU at Philip Morris International.

“When Stefanie, Kristof and I discussed a few months ago to join forces I was immediately convinced”, says Olivier Hinnekens, Founder and Managing Director of SoWhatCommunications.  “From having worked closely together in the past, I know we share the same vision of how consultants should make a difference.  Information is key, but not enough. Our real added value starts where the monitoring stops. We support our clients in finding answers to the three basic SoWhat? questions:

  • how does this impact you
  • what can we do about it
  • how do we turn strategy into action.

At this time of significant transformation on economic, political and societal level, companies are constantly challenged to strategically adapt and react rapidly to changing policy environments and market circumstances. With a combined professional hands-on business experience of over half a century, we are very well placed to assist our clients in  Public Affairs,  Strategic Communications  and  Crisis Communications” adds Kristof Doms.

Stefanie Pollet: “Over the last 30 years, our team has worked with a wide variety of sectors, from fast moving consumer goods, over food and beverages, telecoms and online platforms, packaging, technology providers, real estate, public authorities to pharma.

As Belgians with years of experience at international level, we have a unique in-depth knowledge of decision making in the EU bubble as well as of the complex Belgian political landscape, allowing us to offer our clients already active or wanting to become active in Brussels and Belgium an integrated local and EU support for all their strategic communications needs.” 

“This is the beginning of a new exciting adventure, and more people will be joining our ranks over the coming months, so watch this space,” concludes Kristof Doms.

For more information on SoWhatCommunications, contact us at or visit our LinkedIn corporate profile page.