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The only commonplace that the Belgian pollsters got right this time is that in every election there is a surprise. Just not the one they were predicting.

In Flanders, Bart De Wever of the Flemish Conservative Regionalists of N-VA held off the predicted surge of the far right party Vlaams Belang and managed to remain (in extremis) the biggest party. In Wallonia, the decade long grip on power of the Walloon socialist party PS has been broken by the centre-right forces of the Liberals of the MR and the centrists of Les Engagés as both parties registered historic victories beyond expectations. For the first time ever the liberals are overtaking the socialists in French-speaking Belgium, while a reborn Les Engagés managed to rise from their ashes after their obliteration in 2019.
Other parties that did well are the Flemish Socialists of Vooruit, whose former leader Connor Rousseau has been vindicated by the voters after his troubles of last year. He is now clearly back in a position to play once again an important role at the centre of Belgian politics. The significant gains of the Communists of PTB-PVDA in Flanders and especially in Brussels are slightly tarnished by an unexpected loss in Wallonia. Despite their overall progress in the country nobody seems to be looking at them as potential coalition partner in any of the governments.